Didn't want to mix this kind of post with the one I did last time, but I've got three books/WIPS I've been working on in various stages. War Distortion Not too much to update here, still waiting on a few betas and I've got people waiting to proofread it. Not holding my breath on that 12/1 release date? Maybe January 2021? It will be worth it, I promise. Semi Sweet After sending out a few more queries and not having much luck...I have decided to become completely Indie! I have come a long way since breaking ties with my publisher in June. Yeah, being traditionally published is amazing and might still happen for me someday, but I can have complete control over decisions like covers, I get much more in royalties than I would if I went with a small press again (I thought about it for a hot second), and I can connect with readers that might never know about me if I waited for an agent to maybe give me a chance. My cover artist is on vacation, but I had something simple in mind so I figured I would try myself. I'm pleased with the results! I've got to figure out how to make a paperback cover, but I'm not in that phase yet. Surprisingly, I feel like this one is closer to being ready for release, but I'm still thinking War Distortion will go first. Thinking of really planning a successful launch with this one and I need time to sort that out. The Devil You Know OMG this WIP has become my obsession. A total cracky "what if?" situation has quickly become super fun and since I'm not officially doing NaNoWriMo this year (too stressful on a regular year), I want to keep focusing on it. It's horror, paranormal, new adult, and romance all rolled into one. I also made a cover for this one, not sure if it will stick, but it's got the vibe I'm looking for, so going with it for now. Maybe I have a future in cover design?
I'll leave you here for now, Kay
The topic of today's post has to do with loving yourself. I am going to talk about what that means for me as writer because I think I have made some serious headway in the last few weeks.
In my adult life, when people find out I'm a writer, they always always say "Oh, so you must write children's books." I'm sure they assume that because of my day job as a teacher that must be my niche. I used to feel funny admitting that no, my books are actually for adults. I know my "branding" saying I'm a young adult author...but I have recently come to the conclusion that that might not be true anymore. I think I'm really a romance writer. No, I don't think I'm meant for Harlequin, and I'm certainly not one of those people who wants ripped guys on her covers (Though my ghost writing novellas have them on there), but I truly enjoy writing a story where two people fall in love and get their happily ever after. Sometimes they go through hell and back to get there. Sometimes it's a bit more simpler. Sometimes it takes place in a medieval world, or a place on the verge of an apocalyptic war, sometimes it takes place in Denver Colorado, but all of my stories have some semblance of romance in them. Why should I be ashamed of that? Why should I hide it if that's what I'm good at? Is it because of my job? Was it because of previous bosses? Was I worried that people would judge me? As you know, I am in the process of trying to release my newest Squad Treble book and have been having beta readers look at it. I had one who is a high school teacher be extremely critical of it, Cassie especially saying that she doesn't talk and act like a high school freshman. Then I got to thinking...all of my other main characters are 18-27. That's probably part of the problem and that's okay. Most of my stories lately have college kids...maybe it's time to accept that I'm not reaching my intended audience because I should be finding older readers and I'm okay with that too. Will people think less of me because I write romance? Maybe. I'm just happy I'm figuring this out now while I still have my whole career to sort it out. Does this mean I won't write YA again? Who knows, but I won't force it, I'll take myself where creativity flows. If you enjoy a genre or a trope or something that might make you happy, but isn't super popular, do what's best for you. Embrace that cozy mystery writer, or that fantasy world builder. Who knows what will happen when you do? Now to rebrand myself, Kay Update Time! I've been back to work for just over a month and WRITING HAS BECOME A RARITY. I'm too busy making lesson plans, scanning workbook pages, preparing for the following day of lessons, and not having breaks because we have to stay with our cohorts to write on the regular. I have an awesome class this year, but we are always together. I can't even write during lunch. I've also got a teething baby at home. So not much writing is happening at home either. Gifs and Memes are my love language. Feel free to send them to me!
Anyway here are a few updates since I wrote last. I mentioned that I've been dealing with some writers block and I've finally gotten the juices flowing again. Unfortunately it's not the final book in my Squad Treble series ,but I'll take what I can get! Not really sure where it's going to go right now (It's kinda cracky...but I once said that about Semi Sweet and it's a full length novel now), but I actually want to work on it. Still waiting on a few betas. Thinking about editing all my previously published books so they are good once and for all, and still looking for the secret to being a career writer. I'm getting the feeling that you might be using your Amazon gift cards you get for Christmas to buy WAR DISTORTION after the Holidays because this Beta phase is taking longer than I anticipated. It will be worth it, though. Got a few sales with my free day, but not as much as I had hoped. Never going to stop writing because even if only a few people love my writing it is better than keeping it to myself. Have to believe someday the stars will align. Until then, back to work. Kay |
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